Coast Academy Student Huda Mohammed Amin Gets 7 A*s In O level Exams
Coast Academy student Huda Mohammed Amin gets 7 A*s in 0 level exams.
We are proud to announce the name of our top student Huda Mohamed Amin who achieved outstanding grades in her O level exams. Huda got all A*s when she sat for her exams in October/November. It is extremely rewarding to see these results, it is also important to recognize the commitment and dedication of the Coast Academy staff to our students because without them these results would not be possible.
What the 8’s and 9’s mean:
Her results were inspiring for other students who were wowed by Huda. We took the time to celebrate Huda’s success. She gave a word of encouragement to students and teachers by sharing her recipe for success and urged students to work hard, reduce playtime and learn to sacrifice for a short time that will later pay off during exams. Additionally, she thanked her teachers, parents and students for supporting her before and after her exams.
See photos below of the celebration:
She also received an award from the Coast Academy which was presented by St Austin’s Academy Principal Mr Simba Song’e.
We wish Huda all the best in her endeavours and hope that she continues with her hardworking spirit.
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