1. Talk to them about school
Make it a habit to discuss the day-to-day activities later in the evening. Do not be quick to condemn and don’t take matters lightly. Let them know that they can trust in you which makes you their go-to person for anything.
2. Attend school functions
Be sure to attend all school events such as Parent-teacher-student conferences, sports day and cultural day. Take any opportunity to go to the school and see how your child interacts with other children. That will give you a feel of how he is in school.
3. Engage the Teacher
Make regular follow-ups with the class teacher. This will give you an insight into how your child is fairing in school and will also alert you if it so happens that your child starts exhibiting peculiar behavior at school.
4. Ask open-ended questions
Do not ask your child questions that require a one-word answer only i.e. how was school today? Instead, ask questions that require them to go in-depth in the answering so that you get a clear picture of things that could be; what happened in class today? What do you do during break?
5. Talks a lot about school
A child that enjoys school will gladly talk about school without being prompted. They will tell you about the activities they did in school, who did what and even show you what they did in school. They will also be very eager to go back to school.
What are the signs that indicate a child is happy at school, according to the article by Coast Academy?